Wednesday 18 November 2015

Unmasked | ISIS's sponsors

Jay Syrmopoulos unmasked the sponsors of ISIS. These were none other than G20 members. Obviously not all including some other countries mostly neighboring.

The Russian intelligence evaluated that  40 countries funding the ISIS caliphate mechanics. This information was told to representatives of the G20 summit – yet were not discharged to the media, nor to general public!

Friday 9 October 2015

Yemen | Who in the contention destroying the poorest country

"Innocent civilians are under assault in Yemen infringing upon international law. Yet Britain, as an associate of Riyadh, stays despicably quiet!"

NEWS DESK: Under the war shadow of Syria, millions face starvation in Yemen. In a scorched nation, water bottle production lines are being besieged. The UK is a long way from a nonpartisan observer in this conflict.

Today, Saudi Arabia remains a nearby associate of Britain, and Yemen is buried in a common war so monstrous the Red Cross has said that following five months of contention, it looked like war ridden Syria does after five years.

It is presently six months since a coalition of nations, drove by Saudi Arabia, tackled Iran-supported Houthis who had cleared through the nation not long ago. The contention has guaranteed about 3,000 lives and put 20 million individuals needing help. A large portion of a million of its kids are currently malnourished.

Human rights abuse and potential atrocities submitted by the sum total of what sides have been reported on the ground in Yemen. Citizens have been specifically focused infringing upon international law. While the Houthis seem to occupy a few supplies from common folks, the Yemeni government in a state of banishment and the Saudi-drove coalition have actualized a bar, choking a nation reliant on imports of nourishment and fuel.

Without fuel, business sustenance supplies can't get to business sectors, doctor's facility generators can't run, water pumps don't work. This disagreement in UK policy towards Yemen carries on under the front of western media hush – itself maintained by Saudi Arabia's dismissal of every one of reporters' applications to enter Yemen.

On the off chance that the war goes on, numerous more kids will pass on from yearning, thousands more exiles will escape for Europe, and a bleeding struggle dangers getting to be entrenched. Faced with this gigantic humanitarian emergency and favored to have memorable connect with Yemen, one must not disregard all parts of British association in the round and address this clear inconsistency.

Yet this is at its center a political emergency, and on the political front it speaks to a colossal discretionary disappointment. Beside the Department for International Development, different branches of UK government appear to have outsourced British foreign policy to Saudi Arabia and different individuals from the coalition – permitting them, as a result, unlimited power to take up arms in a manner that causes pointless civilian losses and pave a way to additional aid.

The British government is, surprisingly, Europe's main humanitarian donor for the crisis, giving £50m to alleviation including water – key in a nation that was water-scarce even before it plummeted into war.

Regardless, as a partner of Saudi Arabia Britain ought to be guaranteeing ventures to invert the fuel bar, revive Yemen's Red Sea ports to compassionate and commercial traffic, and guarantee that basic supplies should reach helpless civilians in need all through the nation. The option is a starvation likened to that seen in Ethiopia 30 years from now.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Hajj Stampede

What actually went wrong and who to blame. Well there are many cover ups and a lot more controversies. But one fact still hold the grounds this time of the year some unusual entrants triggered the accident. For more read Prince's Convoy

Saturday 4 October 2014

The Real Face of Saudi Kings

"The Saudi Royal Family are Zionist with their origins going back to MORDAKHAI BIN IBRAHIM BIN MOSHE"

Why Saudi does not challenge about Israeli atomic rockets, while they question Iranian Nuclear plants? What's more Al Saud was Saddam's greatest supporter to attack Iran in 1980?

Besides isn’t it unusual that Saudi is calm when Israel attacked Lebanon and Gaza or American and NATO troops executed innocent citizens in Iraq and Afghanistan & innocent civilians of (North Waziristan) Pakistan has been annihilated on by means of drones?

What's more now Saudi King’s backing USA to hit Syria? The rundown is unending. But where the answers are hidden?

It dated back to the times of Ottoman Empire which is a threat to British Empire. As the Turks had conquered Constantinople, now Istanbul, in 1453, establishing the Ottoman Empire, and had carried out noteworthy grasping of land into Europe.

At the same time frame the British colonialism eager to spread out as well. So the British crafted out a plan and laid its foundation on their ever so popular motto “Divide and rule”. They created all sort of sects by hiring ruffians of the times to branch out of Islam; some of the very popular ones are Salafi/ Wahhabi, Deobandi, Qadiani etc.

After the formation of Wahhabi school of thought, British helped Muhammad Bin Saud to rise against Ottoman caliphate. What's more subsequently conception of Saudi Arabia initiated existence. The originator of Wahhabi faction was Muhammad Bin Abd-al-Wahab.

A famous researcher Mustafa Turan expressed that Muhammad Bin 'Abd-al-Wahab is a descendant of a family from the Jews of AI-Dunamah in Turkey.

Mohammed bin Abdul Wahhab was born in 1703, in a small town in called Najd, in the eastern part of what is currently called Saudi Arabia.

Worryingly, Prophet Mohammed (SAW), had effectively declined to say prayers for the locales of Najd, asserting that from it would rise just "aggravations, disorder and the horns of Satan."

Al-Dunmah alludes to the Jews who announced their embracement of Islam in an exertion to affront Islam and to escape the pursuit by the Ottoman sultans. Besides, Muhammad Bin Saud is of a Jewish origin too, and follows back to the Jewish Mardakhai bin Ibrahim bin Mushi which were changed later to Markhan, Musa, and Muqrin.

King Faisal (1906-1975), reined the Saudi Kingdom during 1964-1975, confirmed Jewish ancestry of Saudi Royals.

In an interview to Washington post on September 17, 1969, King Faisal is reported to have said “We, the Saudi family are cousins of the Jews. We entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world.”

The supporter of Muhammad bin Abd-al-Wahab and the person who spread his belief was Muhammad bin Saud, after that his children; 'Abd-al-Aziz and afterward Saud bin Abd-al-Aziz who insulted Iraq and kept Muslims from going to Hajj. Subsequently Hajj was hindered in his time for a considerable length of time.

Consequently both Abd-al-Wahab and Mohammad Bin Saud had confidence in one another. Saud reinforced his emirate through religion by emulating Muhammad bin Abdai-Wahab in his confidence, yet bin Abd-al-Wahab advertised his teaching via sword.

With Saud tailing him and getting to be triumphant through him, Saud turned into the acting ruler and bin Abd-al-Wahab the religious pioneer and their kids from that point assumed control over the rank of their forerunners.

Friday 12 September 2014

International News | Syrian Rebels and Islamic State jihadists United

The two parties will respect a truce until a final solution is found and they promise not to attack each other because they consider the principal enemy to be the Nussayri regime.”


BEIRUT: Syrian rebels and Islamic State jihadists have signed a non-animosity agreement without precedent for a suburb of the capital Damascus, an activist gathering said today on September 12. 2014.

According to the deal, "the two parties will respect a truce until a final solution is found and they promise not to attack each other because they consider the principal enemy to be the Nussayri regime."

Nussayri is a negative term for the Alawite faction, a branch of Shiite Islam to which President Bashar Assad belongs.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the truce arrangement was concurred in the middle of Islamic State and moderate Islamist in Hajar al-Aswad, south of the capital.

Syrian rebels at first invited jihadists of Islamic State in their battle against Assad. However the group's strict understanding of Islam and pursuit for command started a kickback against it that started in January.

A union of radical groups pushed Islamic State out of much of northern Syria, however it has recovered much of that region lately and has a strong hold in Hajar al-Aswad.

Over 180,000 people have been murdered in Syria since the start of the uprising against Assad that started in March 2011.

Thursday 11 September 2014

International News | Turkey Rebuffs Possible Energy Deal With Israel

"It is out of question to proceed on any energy project unless a permanent peace is established, with contribution from all sides and with necessary conditions. A human tragedy unfolded (in Gaza), it is all too easily forgotten."


ISTANBUL: Turkey is doubtful to sign any energy pact with Israel for the development of a gas pipeline to Turkey due to a developing political rift over Israel's Gaza peace agreement, Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said yesterday on September 10, 2014.

Ties were extremely incapacitated after a fatal attack by Israeli commandos on Turkish yacht shipping pro- Palestinian activists challenging a Gaza barricade in 2010.

However Israeli firms had all the more as of late held productive discussions with Turkish privately owned businesses and energy authorities as a major aspect of cautious rapprochements.

Addressing media in Ankara Minister Yildiz said, "For energy projects to proceed, the human tragedy in Gaza will have to be stopped and Israel will have to instate a permanent peace there with all elements.”

Minister further added, "It is out of question to proceed on any energy project unless a permanent peace is established, with contribution from all sides and with necessary conditions. A human tragedy unfolded (in Gaza), it is all too easily forgotten."

Additionally, Israel's most recent Gaza attack in July, 2014 that slaughtered around 2,200 individuals undermined those deliberations and incensed President Tayyip Erdogan, who compared Israel's activities to those of Hitler.

Turkey was at one time Israel's closest key partner in the area. However, Erdogan has been a discordant opponent of Israel's approach on the Palestinians and has been exceedingly incredulous of the Jewish state since the Gaza conflicts erupted.

Pro-Palestinian reaction runs high in generally Sunni Muslim Turkey and protestors have over and over taken to the roads in July to exhibit against Israel's hostilities, annoying Israel to lessen diplomatic presence in Turkey.

Israel has transformed into a potential gas exporter overnight with the revelation of Tamar and Leviathan, two of the biggest gas finds in the last decade. Tamar started generation in March 2013, and its accomplices have officially marked various lucrative arrangements in Israel.

Talks between the Leviathan consortium and Turkish partners have seen sluggish advancement throughout this year. A political result has dependably been the condition for a final contract.

The discussions between Israel and Turkey have concentrated on building a 10 billion cubic meter (bcm) sub-ocean pipeline at an expected expense of $2.2 billion, giving Israel access to a chief developing business sector and one of Europe's greatest power markets by 2023.

Monday 8 September 2014

Opinion | Dr. David Duke: ISIS Created by Zionist Supremacy

The entire Muslim world has been radicalized over a period of at least two decades—if not more—by a series of planned, deliberate actions, all initiated by the Zionist -Supremacist fanatics who seek to spread disunity, infighting and turmoil among all non-Jews, and particularly those neighboring their international headquarters of Israel.

The fright of ISIS fear which has unfolded crosswise over media outlets in the recent days is the result of years of interest, sedition, torment, terrorism and wars, all brought on by the Jews-only state of Israel and the Jewish Lobby which controls the US government.

The organized plans incorporate the intrusions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the torment of Palestinians and even Iraqis (at Abu Gharib) by Zionist -radicals, help for the Syrian "rebels"—now uncovered as ISIS, and the by and large control of the US government to backing the Israeli Holocaust and ethnic eradication against Palestinians

According to Dr Duke, “The entire Muslim world has been radicalized over a period of at least two decades—if not more—by a series of planned, deliberate actions, all initiated by the Zionist -Supremacist fanatics who seek to spread disunity, infighting and turmoil among all non-Jews, and particularly those neighboring their international headquarters of Israel.”

These occasions have made an air of contempt in which the Zionist-radicals flourish between non-Jews and particularly against Americans and Europeans by and large, who the Muslim world sees as supporting the progressing rule of dread by the Jews-just state of Israel. Truth be told, it misleads Arab and Muslim outrage from Israel and the world Zionist impact to America, the UK and the rest of the Western World.